The Civilizing Process: Sociogenetic and Psychogenetic Investigations
by Norbert Elias
Category: Book
Binding: Paperback
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Results The Civilizing Process: Sociogenetic and Psychogenetic Investigations
The Civilizing Process Wikipedia ~ The Civilizing Process is a book by German sociologist Norbert is an influential work in sociology and Elias most important work It was first published in two volumes in 1939 in German as Über den Prozeß der of World War II it was virtually ignored but gained popularity when it was republished in 1969 and translated into English
Norbert Elias Wikipedia ~ Norbert Elias German 22 June 1897 – 1 August 1990 was a German sociologist who later became a British citizen He is especially famous for his theory of civilizingdecivilizing processes
Volumes 4650 20072011 History and Theory ~ History and Theory → Table of Contents → Volumes 4650 Volumes 4650 20072011 This page contains links to tables of contents for issues dated 20072011 volumes 4650Links to the fulltext versions in the JSTOR Archive and on Wiley Online Library are provided as well when available
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