The White Racial Frame
by Joe R. Feagin
Category: Book
Binding: Paperback
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Rating: 5.0
Total Reviews: 12
Results The White Racial Frame
The White Racial Frame A Reprise Racism Review ~ Since several folks have asked lately about the systemic racism and white racial frame concepts let me repeat a revised version of what I have posted a year or more ago The North American system of racial oppression grew out of extensive European and European American exploitation of indigenous peoples and African Americans
Nothing to Add A Challenge to White Silence in Racial ~ Abstract This paper analyzes a common dynamic in interracial discussions on race white silence Using whiteness theory as the frame I explicate the common white rationales for silence in discussions of race and challenge each of these rationales from an antiracist framework
Implicit Association Test ~ Test yourself for hidden racial and gender biases with the Implicit Association Test at
Racial inequality in the United States Wikipedia ~ Racial wealth gap A study by the Brandeis University Institute on Assets and Social Policy which followed the same sets of families for 25 years found that there are vast differences in wealth across racial groups in the United States The wealth gap between Caucasian and AfricanAmerican families studied nearly tripled from 85000 in 1984 to 236500 in 2009
Glossary NCES Statistical Standards ~ Glossary of keywords in the NCES Statistical Standards Statistical Standards Program Table of Contents Introduction 1 Development of Concepts and Methods
Racism Wikipedia ~ Segregation age racial religious sexual Age of candidacy Blood purity Blood quantum Crime of apartheid Disabilities Jewish Catholic Ethnocracy Ethnopluralism
What Is White Supremacy The Atlantic ~ The language of white supremacy has become increasingly central to understanding the argument over the broad currents of Donald Trump’s ascendancy
White Nationalist Southern Poverty Law Center ~ White nationalist groups espouse white supremacist or white separatist ideologies often focusing on the alleged inferiority of nonwhites Groups listed in a variety of other categories Ku Klux Klan neoConfederate neoNazi racist skinhead and Christian Identity could also be fairly described as white nationalist
Across America whites are biased and they don’t even know ~ This post has been updated Most white Americans demonstrate bias against blacks even if theyre not aware of or able to control it Its a surprisingly littlediscussed factor in the anguishing
Brighton NHS racial equality boss is sacked for ~ An NHS racial equality boss was sacked from her £100000ayear job for allegedly telling a colleague he was everything she despised in a white manager Dr Vivienne LyfarCissé 58 was fired