Chimpanzee Politics: Power and Sex among Apes
by Frans de Waal
Category: Book
Binding: Paperback
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Rating: 4.5
Total Reviews: 46
Results Chimpanzee Politics: Power and Sex among Apes
The 2 Difference ~ If you find yourself sitting close to a chimpanzee staring face to face and making sustained eye contact something interesting happens something that is alternately moving bewildering and kind of creepy When you gaze at this beast you suddenly realize that the face gazing back is that of a
Planet of the Apes Wikipedia ~ Planet of the Apes is an American science fiction media franchise consisting of films books television series comics and other media about a world in which humans and intelligent apes clash for control The franchise is based on French author Pierre Boulles 1963 novel La Planète des singes translated into English as Planet of the Apes or Monkey Planet
Machiavellian intelligence Wikipedia ~ In cognitive science and evolutionary psychology Machiavellian intelligence is the capacity of an entity to be in a successful political engagement with social groups The first introduction of this concept to primatology came from Frans de Waals book Chimpanzee Politics 1982 which described social maneuvering while explicitly quoting Machiavelli
What Studying Primate Communication Tells Us About The ~ Kanzi is a linguistic allstar among apes From an early age the captive bonobo learned over 400 symbols representing words which he points to in order to communicate with people
Aliens Atomic Rockets ~ Devil In The Dark 1967 The Horta was an example of Silicon life Now we are really sailing off into terra incognito Here be dragons and all that But if you have starships you almost have to have aliens Isaac Asimovs Foundation trilogy being the most notable exceptionThe science is called Astrobiology the famous science in search of a subject
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The Promises of Monsters A Regenerative Politics for ~ DONNA HARAWAY The Promises of Monsters A Regenerative Politics for Inappropriated Others Lawrence Grossberg Cary Nelson Paula A Treichler eds Cultural
Stages of Human Evolution Stages Of Evolution Of Man ~ Stages in Human Evolution Dryopithecus Ramapithecus Australopithecus Home Erectus Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis Homo Sapiens Sapiens There are the 5 stages of evolution of man Charles Darwins theory of evolution of mankind followed by neo Darwinism explained Information about Human Evolution and Stages in Human Evolution History of human evolution human evolution timeline
Is Gender Identity Unique to Humans The Crux ~ Again these two explanations are not mutually exclusive Both could play a part I spoke with Rodrigues about what evidence would be necessary to conclude that chimpanzee or bonobo sex roles were
Peter Turchin A Feminist Perspective on Human Social ~ Levels of inequality have changed dramatically during the course of human evolution from the social hierarchies of our great ape ancestors to egalitarian smallscale societies of huntergatherers and then to largescale hierarchical societies with great inequities in the distribution of power status and wealth The Axial Age c800–200 BCE introduced another notable transformation in