Women and the Economy: Family, Work and Pay
by Saul D Hoffman, Susan Averett
Category: Book
Binding: Paperback
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Results Women and the Economy: Family, Work and Pay
The Impact of Equal Pay on Poverty and the Economy ~ Pay Inequality Contributes to Lower Family Income and Increased Poverty among Families with a Working Woman Table 2 shows women’s annual earnings hours worked annual family incomes and poverty rates in five different types of families with women workers classified according to the status of the family head or spouse 1 selfsupporting single women aged 18 and older 2 working single
Women and Caregiving Facts and Figures Family Caregiver ~ Women Work and Caregiving The number of working women age 55 and older is projected to increase by 52 between 2000 and 2010 from 64 million to 101 million 14 As workforce participation increases caregiving could pose even greater financial challenges for many women workers due mostly to lost wages from reduced work hours time out of the workforce family leave or early retirement
Gender pay gap leave policies hurt Detroit in working ~ Metro Detroit ranks near bottom in study of gender pay gap family leave policies A Magnify Money blog study rated metro areas and opportunities for working women and female business owners
Pay Equity Discrimination Institute for Womens Policy ~ Closing the gender wage gap would cut poverty among working women and their families by more than half and add 513 billion to the national economy Women may not reach pay parity until 2059 and for women of color its even worse Hispanic women may wait until 2233 Black women may wait until 2124 for equal pay
Black Women and the Pay Gap AAUW ~ Equal Pay Helps Everyone The pay and wealth disparities black women do not only affect individual women but also the people around them Since 80 percent of black mothers are the sole or primary breadwinners for their households a fair salary can mean the difference between struggling and sustainability for a family Paying all workers fairly means more wage earners can support the people
Gender pay gap Wikipedia ~ Animal cruelty Animal industrial complex Animal testing Blood libel Blood sport Carnism Compulsory sterilization Counterjihad Cultural genocide Democide
Informal economy Wikipedia ~ The informal sector of the economy informal economy or grey economy is the part of an economy that is neither taxed nor monitored by any form of government Unlike the formal economy activities of the informal economy are not included in a countrys gross national product GNP or gross domestic product GDP The informal sector can be described as a grey market in labour
Harvard Study Gender Wage Gap Explained Entirely by ~ “Gender pay gap is worse than thought Study shows women actually earn half the income of men” NBC announced recently in reference to a report titled “Still a Man’s Labor Market” by the Washingtonbased Institute for Women’s Policy Research which found that womens income was 51 percent less than men’s earnings The Gender Pay Gap Isnt What You Think It Is
Facts and Figures Economic Empowerment UN Women ~ When more women work economies grow If women’s paid employment rates were raised to the same level as men’s the United States’ gross domestic product would be an estimated 9 per cent higher the Eurozone’s would climb by 13 per cent and Japan’s would be boosted by 16 per cent
Top 12 Good Reasons Why Women Should Work WiseStep ~ Whenever a question is asked like why women should work the women referring here could be friend wife sister mother or any other women we know Moreover who asks this question is even more interesting The society in which we are a part of Well this is not something surprising